More Fantasy Coming

In keeping with the party decorations, I thought I’d show you some more book covers, starting with The Legend of the Firefish by George Bryan Polivka (Harvest House).

    The Legend of the Firefish

This is simply one of the finest Christian fantasy’s you’re likely to read this year and there are some good ones coming. The link above will take you to the Harvest House page with information about the book, including an excerpt. I think you’ll become as excited as I am about this book. And the best news, this book is now available! 😀

My suggestion is to make a trip to your favorite bookstore and buy a copy as soon as possible. If it isn’t on the shelf, by all means, ask them to order it. Then tell your friends.

On the other side of the spectrum—a book you’ll have to wait for, one that is fourth in a series, not first—is Donita K. Paul’s DragonFire (WaterBrook), due out in July. My guess is, it will be well worth the wait. Check out this eye-catching cover!


The good thing about this book coming out in July is, those of you who haven’t yet started the series have a time to catch up between now and then.

We are on the crest of LOTS of good Christian fantasy. Doesn’t get much better! 😉

Published in: on March 5, 2007 at 12:33 pm  Comments (5)  


  1. Just wanted to drop by and say hello during the ultimate blog party (always up for a party)…


  2. Dannye, I’m glad you took time to stop by. I have your name entered in my “receive a book” contest.



  3. I am so happy to see we’re getting more professional and COOL looking covers. Povlivka’s, Dragon Fire, Restorer, etc…they’re really, really eye-catching and attractive. Hoorah.

    BTW, I posted on Mirathon about the mess over at with the FIREFISH book. Not good.



  4. I stumbled upon this blog and am fascinated. Especially since I hope to be an author myself, one day soon. 🙂

    Interesting, though, that where I am, it’s thought of as blasphemous or even outright satanic for a Christian to write a story that includes dragons and such things, much less put one on the cover. I don’t subscribe to that view of course, but it’s great to know that there are places where it’s considered fine, even great. 🙂

    – aronwy


  5. Aronwy, I know people who react to dragons that way. It’s in part, I think, because Satan is thought to be the dragon mentioned in Revelations. So, Satanic actually makes sense … except fantasy is about good vs. evil, so how do you do that without symbols of evil?

    Then there is the other argument—that stories are made up and an author can assign any value to the creatures and objects in his story that he wants. It is stories that depart from the previous connotations (wizards, dragons are of good instead of from the devil) that some people balk.

    I guess, the way I look at it is, if you want to write and you want to have the support of those around you, you look for ways to express your ideas that would NOT offend them. Then maybe someday … 😉

    Glad you stopped by here at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. Hope you feel free to visit often.



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