Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference

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I admit it—I am a writers conference junky. I’d go to all of them if I could. As it is, I read about all of the ones that send me their fliers, even the ABA Maui conference and the Alaska cruises I could never afford. I’m not sure why other than the fact that I love talking about writing. Or reading about writing. Or just plain writing about writing. 😉 I even enjoy writing on occasion! 😛

But I have to say, for the conferences available to me now, the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference is my favorite.

First, is the location—in northern California, near Santa Cruz. It’s close enough for me to drive, which keeps the cost down, but is very much “away.” The conference grounds are in the “mountains” surrounded by redwood trees. Well, it’s not the kind of mountains I grew up seeing in Colorado, but considering how close you are to the ocean, it is amazing to be so suddenly in a mountain-like environment.

And it’s beautiful. Truly. Whether it’s the purple irises waving in the planter in front of the office entrance, the meandering streams chuckling beneath the walking bridge, the evergreen trees offset by the white crepe myrtle—all of it, probably. It is a beautiful site and sight.

In that setting, then, a group of Christians, who all have something to do with writing, get together, and it is exhilarating.

Add to that some outstanding instruction and the opportunity for feedback on your own writing … for five days … and Mount Hermon moves to the top of the writers’ conference list, as far as I’m concerned.

Not to mention that the organizers have been doing this longer than any of the others. That experience makes this conference run smoothly. Even when it rains nearly the whole time, as it did last year, or the electricity goes out, as it did on the last day two years ago.

I did mention it’s in the mountains, right? Fairly rustic even though you’re only 15 minutes from Santa Cruz and the nearest Starbucks. Actually that’s only a point of reference because Mount Hermon serves its own specialty coffees in the lounge, where you can sit in an easy chair before a crackling fire.

You might have guessed—I’m going to the conference this week, and I’m looking forward to it just a little. 😀

Published in: on March 26, 2007 at 12:27 pm  Comments Off on Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference