Fantasy Friday – Visit The Library

Well, I think it’s great to visit the library, be it a city or county library or even a church library such as I enjoy. I cut my reading teeth on my school library when I was in seventh grade and have loved libraries ever since.

However, in this instance, I’m actually thinking of a virtual library, browsing only — one that is just coming together over at Speculative Faith.

Yes, it’s just coming together, but rather than wait until we have all five hundred or so titles loaded, I suggest readers find a time to visit regularly. For one thing, you can start leaving comments about the books you’ve read.

You see, one of the goals for our browse-only library is to let fans of speculative fiction know what titles are worthy of their dollars and days. As we build up reader responses — not long reviews but simple reaction statements — others will know what books or authors they should consider.

Another reason to visit regularly is that the landscape changes. We add more titles and find ways to make your visiting experience more satisfying. You can help by commenting here — tell us what you like and what you wish you could find in a browse-only library.

By the way, while you’re over at Spec Faith, be sure to read today’s guest post by CSFF member Chawna Schroeder. Her article “Of Distant Places & Daring Sword Fights” is one of the best explanations of what Christians can find in speculative fiction. It’s a well-written piece and worth reading.

Published in: on June 24, 2011 at 6:35 pm  Comments (3)  
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