Avatar and Christianity

A few days after Christmas I joined millions of others and went to see Avatar. It seemed like the right thing for a fantasy writer to do, and I’m not a bit sorry for the experience. If nothing else, this movie has caused a cultural stir, and I’m happy I can enter into the resulting dialogue.

After watching the movie, I was especially curious to see what the Christian community had to say about it, especially the Christian writing community. You see, among all the other things I can say about Avatar, one particular feature stood out, and I wondered what writers thought. Christian writers.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, I enjoyed the movie. The science fiction, while at the center of the story, was not “hard core.” This was more a fantasy than science fiction.

The world the author and the director created was impressive for its imaginative integration of sea life and land. The special effects, including the use of 3D, enhanced the story and existed for it rather than the other way around, which seems to be the case in so many movies these days.

There was excellent foreshadowing which made much of the story believable. Again, it seems that many commercial movies could care less about believability (call it the “Raiders of the Lost Ark” effect), so miraculous escapes engineered by the suddenly discovered Handy Device are the norm. Not so in Avatar.

Still, there were some glaring problems. One was the stereotypical hard-bitten military professional and the greedy, unfeeling corporate exec. Along with the smart, tough, talented love-interest alien princess.

But the weak characterization of these secondary characters paled in comparison to the central theme and problem of the movie: it unabashedly preached panentheism. From Wikipedia:

Panentheism … is a belief system which posits that God exists and interpenetrates every part of nature, and timelessly extends beyond as well. Panentheism is distinguished from pantheism, which holds that God is synonymous with the material universe.

Briefly put, in pantheism, “God is the whole”; in panentheism, “The whole is in God.” This means that the Universe in the first formulation is practically the Whole itself, but in the second the universe and God are not ontologically equivalent. In panentheism, God is not necessarily viewed as the creator or demiurge, but the eternal animating force behind the universe, with the universe as nothing more than the manifest part of God. The cosmos exists within God, who in turn “pervades” or is “in” the cosmos. While pantheism asserts that God and the universe are coextensive, panentheism claims that God is greater than the universe and that the universe is contained within God.

Clearly the latter position is the dominant belief of the inhabitants of the planet Pandora.

Throughout the movie, the panentheistic principle becomes clearer and clearer.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I came across this comment in a review by Jeffrey Overstreet at Image:

While the aliens’ faith is a mishmash of world religions calculated to minimize controversy, Avatar’s spirituality is admirably incarnational. Science and religion are not mutually exclusive: one informs the other to the better understanding of both.

I suppose in the way New Age spirituality is a mishmash of ideas, so is Avatar. But it hardly creates its own mix. Rather, it preaches the panentheistic party line:

  • Nature is One
  • We are one with Nature
  • Therefore, animal life is to be valued as is human life
  • But death is part of the cycle of life
  • God (the Na’vi called her Eywa) doesn’t take sides (in good/evil struggles) but maintains the balance of the universe
  • Another review—the snippet I read—mentioned that Avatar succeeded in not offending Christians. Still another praised it as possibly a Christian movie:

    The Holy Spirit comes all over him from the Spirit tree, (God the Father) coming to the end when man comes to wipe the Navi out, Jake goes to God (Spirit tree and prays from his heart) his Navi girl friend tells him that God is there to protect, but He will not answer such a pray, but He did, God called all the Giant beasts to fight the war for the Navi.

    The commander of the attacking forces was evil (could be Satan or the anti Christ) the Scene when they were worshiping God in unity was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen that is the way it will be in Heaven.

    Then there is this from the review at Christianity Today by Todd Hertz:

    Some Christians will be bothered by the worship of the Na’vi’s unseen female deity—there are scenes of worship, rituals, and prayer to her. But vagueness about this entity makes it possible to view her not as a New Age goddess but as just one more strange piece of fantasy in this alien world. In fact, there’s suggestion that this entity is Pandora itself: one big, living alien.

    For an emergent take on the movie, read Avatar: a metaphor for emergent evangelism.

    To be honest, I’m stunned. Christian writers not up in arms at the preachy-ness of the movie? Granted, Overstreet calls it out for its political message. But not its religious ones.

    And Christians not loudly declaiming the anti-Christian religious themes? Where are the people who condemned Harry Potter? Is the worship of nature somehow OK where as wizardry (even if that was what Harry Potter promoted, which it did not) is not?

    Perhaps the most likely explanation is this: professing Christians have begun to incorporate tenets of New Age spirituality with their church traditions so that what many call “Christianity” has become the actual mishmash. As a result, the majority are comfortable with, even blessed by, references to false religion.

    Where, oh where, has discernment gone?

    For further discussion see “More On Avatar.”


    1. One key difference with Harry Potter and Avatar is that HP’s prime audience was younger readers, and people were concerned that they would be too young to screen out harmful ideas. Avatar, by contrast, is pretty much going to be seen by adults and teenagers.

      I won’t go as far to say Avatar could possibly be a Christian film, but aliens with different belief systems isn’t exactly new in sci-fi. (If you’ve seen as much Star Trek as I have, you’d know what I’m talking about.) Even the Force in Star Wars is influenced by Buddhist ideas.


    2. Hey, Jason, thanks for joining in the discussion. I’ve been doing some more reading and came upon this article by Ross Douthat in which he says

      If this narrative arc sounds familiar, that’s because pantheism has been Hollywood’s religion of choice for a generation now. It’s the truth that Kevin Costner discovered when he went dancing with wolves. It’s the metaphysic woven through Disney cartoons like “The Lion King” and “Pocahontas.” And it’s the dogma of George Lucas’s Jedi, whose mystical Force “surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.

      So, yes, you’ve seen this religion before, and that’s the point. It is what certain influential media members want to preach to the world. And they are doing it with little resistance.

      I don’t think Christians should picket or even boycott the film. I do think we should stand up and say, Oh, by the way, did you all notice the false religion the movie was advocating.

      And yes, I think it was advocating it. After all, which side won, and with whose help?


      Liked by 1 person

      • It seems that the ‘god’ portrayed is rather inconsistent that it wouldn’t take sides, could you imagine this being real in the world today? There would be chaos! There is a fight between good and evil. Also Cameron would be known as a socialist in his thinking.


        • Good observations, Jared. “Inconsistent,” then, would seem to erase the possibility of good. Could we really call a god good if he (or she, in this case), was only selectively willing to side with what was morally right?? And I don’t doubt that Cameron has some socialist leanings, based on this work.

          Thanks for your comments.



    3. I’m not sure I entirely share your conclusion that the lack of criticism is because “professing Christians have begun to incorporate tenets of New Age spirituality.” To a certain degree this is true. I do, however, share your dismay that more “Christian writers [are] not up in arms at the preachy-ness of the movie.” Frankly, I have never been convinced that American Christians are a very discerning bunch. So it’s not surprising.

      I recently had breakfast with a friend of mine who’d seen the movie. After explaining the film’s religious worldview — Eywa, All Mother, the Tree of Souls, etc. — he admitted he hadn’t really noticed any of that. He was too caught up in the visuals. My feeling, Becky, is that the reason more Christians aren’t critical of Avatar is because it is so graphically stunning, so fantastical — dare I say, breath-taking. Of course, this doesn’t bode well for believers when we can tolerate a “pagan” tract just because it looks good.


    4. Hi, Mike,

      Thanks for jumping into the discussion.

      When I say “professing Christians” I am being all inclusive—Christians who put their faith in Christ, Christians by tradition, even those who think they’re Christians because they know they’re not Muslims or Buddhists or Hindus. But I’d be willing to qualify the statement by saying “many professing Christians … ”

      I do think the movie was visually amazing. I came away enthusiastic. I enjoyed it hugely. But enjoyment does not equate with truth. How I feel about something doesn’t tell me anything about the actual thing.

      We Americans (not just Christians) have stopped thinking. I’ve said before, I was taught in school how to recognize propaganda. Today, more often than not, school is the vehicle of propaganda.

      But Christians, who believe in absolute Truth, have a source by which we can measure all things. We don’t have to be in the dark—not if we take the time to measure ideas with Scripture.

      In my post tomorrow I elaborate on this somewhat because apparently some believers are, as you say, content to tolerate a pagan tract because it looks good.


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    5. Hey Becky,

      I went and read Overstreet’s review and I think your quote here is taking it out of context. He is not praising the movie as far as its storytelling. Yes, he’s enthusiastic about the advances in the process, but not in Cameron’s simplistic, rehashed plot. The quote isn’t meant to be an endorsement of what Cameron is saying or the religion of the Na’vi. I too thought that there were little glimpses of true relationship with the Holy Spirit, admittedly buried under other panentheistic garbage. I can’t quite remember the specific actions that triggered that thought after the rest of the visual onslaught.

      You and I are definitely on the same page as far as watching with discernment and understanding the worldview, and I noted plenty of problems. But it reminds me of The Matrix, how there are parallels to the Christian walk in the movie along with Hindu, Buddhist, and naturalistic aspects.

      I think it is wise to call people to discernment like this post and Tuesday’s does, and I’ll be interested in following it. However, I think Overstreet’s comment is not as damning for what he’s trying to say as made out to be here.


    6. I’d agree, Jason, that Jeffrey isn’t endorsing the religion per se. But I think his review might be worse because he mostly ignored it. He was quick to point out the preachiness of the social and political view espoused in the movie, but left the religion mostly alone except for that paragraph I quoted.

      Incarnational? I can see that to an extent. I thought at first of Jesus taking the form of Man that we might better understand him when our hero first came to the Na’vi in the form of one of their own. But any parallel broke down from that point on.

      In contrast, the god-ness of All, with Eywa an extension of the universe but over it, ran through the whole movie. I hope you take time to read Jay Michaelson‘s article. He connected the dots, I thought, whereas the Christians I’ve read seem to be missing nine out of every ten at best.

      Parallels with the Holy Spirit? I hadn’t thought of those until I read that one Christian blog article that raved about the movie because of its spiritual impact on the writer. One scene the author mentioned was the “butterflies” landing on him—choosing him because of his pure heart. I missed that as “Christian” because I don’t believe in a fractured Holy Spirit. I also don’t believe any of us has a pure heart, or that God chooses any of us for our own merits. The idea that the scene in the movie was reflective of Christian truth just seems wrong on too many levels.

      Here’s what could be good about the movie’s theme from my point of view: if we start talking about God and comparing what the movie was saying with what Scripture says. But that’s why the dismissal of the religious impact by these Christian reviewers is troubling.



    7. I didn’t think the floaty things were the parallel. Like I said, they were fleeting and mostly overridden with other junk. Also, the political undertones needed addressing too. Gregg Easterbrook was wondering when it became okay to watch US troops die as a good thing (though we never quite know who the “evil” troops work for).

      Again, I’ll agree all day about the need for discernment. But I thought about Paul’s approach on Mars Hill. He didn’t go in denouncing Zeus and Mercury. He found the unknown god stand and saw the cultural grasping for something missing and ran with it.


    8. Jason, if I was trying to evangelize the movie people, then I think the parallel with Paul would be spot on. My point is that many, many people see this film and think that the religious stuff is intriguing, fresh, deep. It’s actually ancient and idolatrous. I’m disturbed that Christians won’t say so. Or think it’s a side issue. The movie was preaching a false religion!

      Compare the response to Avatar with the response of the Christian community to Harry Potter, which actually was NOT preaching a false religion.

      This is why I am so disturbed.

      All I’m asking is that Christians put on their thinking caps, recognize the worldview advocated in Avatar, and tell others whenever they discuss the movie. In my Tuesday post I likened false religion to poison. We have it in our house (culture) of necessity, but we mark it clearly so that it can’t be ingested unknowingly. It’s that “unknowingly” factor that gives Avatar the potential to affect the beliefs of the unsuspecting.

      And about the floaty things—that other blogger I quoted from is the one who equated them to the Holy Spirit.

      Again, thanks for adding to this interesting discussion, Jason


      Liked by 1 person

      • If i may comment that all Christians must discern what they are watching. Some christian avoid certain movies and that is fine but when we are setting our worldview to these movies we may get ourselves into murky water. Thank you for posts Rebecca.


        • Agreed, Jared. And when we watch with our guard down, that’s when an ungodly worldview can affect us most. We simply haven’t watched for any infiltration into the camp, so we’re exposed now from the inside. What I was calling for in this post was for us to wake up our sentries, to extend the metaphor, so we’ll be on the lookout again for that which collides with Scripture.



    9. You are spot on Rebecca! I saw the movie last night, and you have raised the exact same concerns that I have with it. There is no doubt that Avatar is attempting to prosletyse us with its neo-pagan monist agenda.

      I too am stunned at the lack of discernment of many Christians in this regard.

      Well done on being a prophetic voice!

      God bless,



    10. I am concerned. When did being a Christian mean that you could not enjoy a fantasy of sci-fi film for what it is, make believe entertainment? As Christians we can find evil, Satan, false religion in everyhing we see on TV or at the movies. Does that mean we should isolate ourselves? No, infact the opposite is true. Christ did not isolate he joined the sinners for meals and such. He did not partake but He showed us how to have life more abundantly. Words like discernment are ways to advocate Christians live a life full of fear and worry about what is around the corner or who is going to push something on me next.

      What we seemed to have left out of the equation is God. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. No one can put, push or influence you to do something unknowingly. You choose to. And for those of you who seem to be worried about the unbelievers being influenced to some new age religion becasue of a movie, it is called evangelism. You know that word that does not exits in many christians vocabs. You get out with your church members and spread the word.

      Has anyone even bothered to look up The wirter and director’s intent from interviews and such about the movie. We can turn it into an agend film trying to convert people to a certain worldview or we can look at it as fantastical entertainment. If everyone is speculating what the films intent is without knowing, that is called judging not discernment.

      For God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind. Pleas try to remember this.

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    11. There is no doubt that Avatar is attempting to prosletyse us with its neo-pagan monist agenda.

      Yea, Antonio! You don’t know how glad I am to hear you say this. It’s such a relief to know that other believers are seeing this and are willing to step out an say so.



    12. Hi, Michael, thanks for your comment. I love a good discussion, and such develops best when people voice honest disagreements.

      I hope you didn’t miss the fact that I’m a fantasy writer. Consequently, you can be assured I am not suggesting we should pull our heads into our shell—just the opposite. I think we need to engage the culture, but to do that we ought not miss what they’re saying.

      You may not have seen my Tuesday post, More on Avatar, in which I linked to an article by Jay Michaelson, “The Meaning of Avatar: Everything is God (A Response to Ross Douthat and other naysayers of ‘pantheism’)” published in the Huffington Post. Take a look at his closing paragraph:

      let’s not think that nonduality [the god is everything ideology espoused throughout Avatar] is something James Cameron, or Hollywood, made up. It’s in the Zohar, the Upanishads, the writings of John of the Cross, Rumi, the Tao te Ching, the Heart Sutra, and many other texts written long before Lumiere’s train arrived at La Ciotat. Of course, these millennia-old traditions do not fit cleanly into our postmodern world, and so contemporary people adapt them to their lived experience. But at its core, Avatar’s philosophy is not new; it is ancient, profound, and liberating.

      My point, Michael, is that this belief system is well known and recognized by knowledgeable people outside the Christian community, and in Mr. Michaelson’s case, by someone holding to the same view.

      Consequently, we’re not being alarmist by saying, By the way, did you see how the religious views in Avatar contradict the Truth of the Bible?

      That’s a question I think we should be ready to ask and discuss. But this position is a far cry from saying, It’s panentheistic; hide your eyes!


      Liked by 1 person

    13. Personally, I haven’t seen it and don’t plan too. There was just something wrong when I started seeing the commercial previews. I couldn’t put my finger on it then (and certainly didn’t come to the conclusion of panentheism), but something was wrong nonetheless. I discovered years ago that anything Siskel and Ebert (now Ebert and Roper) liked I wouldn’t and vice-versa. After hearing their praise for this movie, I knew I wouldn’t like it. Thanks for verifying my presupposition.

      Let Avatar go the way of the dinosaurs and let us not devote further time to it.


    14. Well, Daniel, I don’t think Avatar is going anywhere. Unless I’m mistaken, we’ll be hearing about this one for a long, long time. I think this is one of those cultural phenomena that may be become a classic. Tomorrow’s Citizen Kane or Gone with the Wind.



    15. […] you didn’t discuss the pantheism with them, I urge you to go and read Becky’s posts, starting with this one. We need to tell our children why these movies, that feel all warm and fuzzy, are anti-Christian. We […]


    16. I have done some in-depth research of the Na’Vi with their culture and Eywa. I learned that they dont have any tools because they know Eywa will provide. Isnt that something us Christians should do with God? Think about this. Does a bird think about where it is going to get its next meal? No, and we should be the same and trust God that he will provide everything we need. I understand there is alot of panentheism going on in the movie, but thats what I saw. Im going to see it again, and I will look for other things of the sort. Thanks!


    17. Re: Brian #16

      The fallacy in that argument is in thinking that we are the same as the animals whom God does indeed care for. However, we are more than the animals as the creation account in Genesis reveals. We have a soul and were made in God’s image unlike all the other animals. Anthropologists speak of the “Big Bang” of Art which is a realm exclusive to humans. We use tools, think about time, and recognize that the universe corresponds to abstract concepts in mathematics. In short, we are different from the animals in kind not merely in degree. And that means God treats us differently than the animals that depend on him for their daily provision.

      As further proof, what did Jesus say to the disciples just before his death? He told them that while He was with them they had no want for anything. Soon, however, they should take money with them when He was no longer with them. In effect, they should take provisions for themselves.

      Luke 22:5-6 (NIV):

      35Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?” “Nothing,” they answered. 36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.


    18. Well i saw the movie , i’m a christian and i saw the movie. why would people get mad? i thought it was just a movie where they had a healing tree. i didn’t really think it had anything to do with religion. i mean if a movie influences your beliefs then hey thats your thing. I’m just gonna leave it at” it was a good movie with blue people and a magic healing tree.


    19. it’s holly wood baby this is what they do. and why do Catholics seem like they worship the pope like he’s a god. the kiss his hand. gross. He’s ust a man and history shows us the pope was bad in the past having sex, making deals with kings to get land, how can they not like a good colorful sci fi movie. they have a worse wrap sheet.


    20. To say that any particular religion or belief system is a mishmash of ideas is completely wrong. All religions are mishmashed ideas that come together to help people cope with their own particular culture like the countless traditions Christians take from pagans, like the Christmas tree and the Yule log. I found the movie to not necessarily get involved with who god is or was but instead deliver a message of sustainability and the ability to coexist with one another, which is currently plaguing our society, because of our incessant need to increase population and drain our natural resources. This movie was a tricked out version of Fern Gully. I enjoyed it and I don’t this that we should get all wrapped up in who god is because god is different for everybody because of the challenges we face individually.


    21. Daniel, thanks for giving Brian an excellent answer. I don’t have anything to add to what you already said.

      Kidsavage, I didn’t mean to convey the idea that Avatar made me mad. I don’t expect Hollywood to produce anything inconsistent with Hollywood’s beliefs. This is why they won’t make movies that uphold the name of Christ (I am so wondering if they will make the final Narnia movie, The Last Battle). I will say again what I said at the end of this post: Where, oh where, has discernment gone? Can we no longer distinguish between panentheism and Christianity? And if we can, ought we not to say, Good movie but it preaches a panentheistic religion? I mean, how hard is that to say to those who ask us what we thought about the movie?



    22. Joey, we see God differently. Religion might be a mixture of tradition and truth or lies depending on the belief system, but just like there are errant ideas about food (one year eggs are bad for you, the next good, and so with coffee, chocolate, wine, and any number of other things), there is Truth. Whether or not we think broccoli will help our heart (or whatever it was supposed to do) has nothing to do with whether or not it actually WILL help our heart.

      So too with God. It doesn’t matter what we believe—we aren’t validating God with our statements of faith. He is already valid because He is true. He is not diminished by someone coming out and declaring Him dead or nonexistent or by defining Him as “everything.”

      As to Avatar’s message of sustainability and coexistence, it did preach those, but it was in the context of everything being God. The Na’vi communed with each other and with nature in a unique way because they were part of the whole. And of course there was sustainability because the whole provides for the parts.

      Interesting that Christianity gives a message of love, even for enemies, that would do wonders for co-existence if people actually believed and practiced it. And sustainability? That comes from trusting God who is able to provide all we need. Those messages aren’t different, but the power to pull them off is completely opposite.

      That’s why understanding what Avatar said about God is essential to understanding the other points.


      Liked by 1 person

    23. Matthew 6:25
      Basically what the Omaticaya does


    24. Hi. It’s so sad to see that movies like Avatar are so popular to Christians and the Word of God is not. Things are so acceptable to society that it scares me. But that is an old trick from Fallen Lucifer. Make good bad and bad good. Make bitter sweet and sweet bitter. Makes right wrong and wrong right.Christians have become numb in their senses.They in need of nothing and think they know it all without knowing what God says.Since when have New Age become okey in God’s book. Since when is it okey to fill our minds with garbage and not the Word of God. Then we think God will be with us in our body, soul and spirit, sharing with all these demonic influences. People, if you think for one moment that movies like these will not do harm and hold you back in your relationship with Jesus Christ, you have another thing coming. Jesus is coming back soon!!!!! And the serpent knows it. He is pulling out all stops to let the people of God go into idolatry and miss out. There are only two kingdoms in the world, God’s and Fallen Lucifer’s. You can’t be playing with fire and think you can not get burnt. Get ready. The Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent takes it by force. Wake up, wake up! Jesus is coming


    25. I really have to say i’ve followed a number of “Christian” threads on this movie and apparently Christians are some how existing in an alternate reality from God. Or should I say that God is existing in an alternate reality from Nature. There seems to be a consistent separation between the creator and created that is justified as being Christian. A child would not hold such a view so apparently Christianity at some point has gone from a view of integration through the cross, to a separation by the cross. Deeply deeply disturbing and mentally unstable.


    26. There seems to be a consistent separation between the creator and created that is justified as being Christian. Well, yes, it’s actually part of the definitions of those words, David. “Creator” is a person or thing that brings something into existence. How then could God and nature be the same? You’re essentially saying God created God, or nature existed before nature. Those things can’t be true. By claiming a oneness of God with nature you are actually denying God’s existence.

      I have no idea why you think a child wouldn’t believe this. The opposite is actually true since the logic is so simple.

      The cross was never about “integration.” And yes, Jesus said He came to separate—the sheep from goats, the believers from the unbelievers. He said clearly in John 3:18 “that he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

      And yes, David, this gospel truth is disturbing. It should be disturbing. If we are comfortable, we are not addressing the same spiritual issues that Jesus came to deal with.



    27. Thanks for sharing. I believe in Christ too though im probably not defined as christian cos i believe Him to be present in all religions/faith systems. Im also having trouble getting my head around this paganism v One God stuff. Personally I didnt see the references to paganism as much as you discerned in the film, so thanks for helping me see that. I just thought the tree of all souls and that is to do with the One Infinite Creator though obviously more expressed thru Sources feminine aspects than male ones how we more usually call God Our Father. A lot of these names and things eg Maat is to do with spiritual stuff, like Jason commented the force in star wars in tied up with buddist ideas. Im pretty sure i also came across darth in the bible, im not sure lol but im sure you are:P, bless you. I know is references to the pledians and to unicorns in the bible as well as other stuff. I still not sure about this pagan stuff, my current overstanding is that like christians agree there is only One Real Creator but the bible does say they are other gods and some of us who were wrong were sent to strange countries to worship strange gods. So they must exist, though obviusly we shouldnt be worshiping them or any idol which these days i would have thought also refers to stuff like worshipping film stars or preachers or something. I like what some of the gnostics and that seem to be saying that some of these gods can maybe be seen as aspects of God. It just seems to me that Source is so far beyond mortal comprehension that He could be One but have different aspects to Him/Her – i doubt God has a gender. I been looking a little at some of the darker side of the occult too and i get the idea that some people have also created their own gods like in the jewish teachings of the kabbalah. I dont see anything wrong with appreciating and protecting mother nature, i sure i wouldnt have such bad karma if i concentrated more on that in my life, but i agree we should not worship it though i do believe its more than possible earth also has what we would call a soul, or a spiritual connection to Our Creator. The bible has lots of truth in it but i think sometimes need to read between the lines/ask holy spirit for guidance. I also think its been twisted, i think theres a good chance some of my ancestors may have been involved in that cos im kinda under a curse from God but hey, at least I know He exists and a lot of the time if i try stay mindful I can feel His love too. Unless its my demons fooling me but maybe they also want to get back on jacobs ladder lol. Stay Blessed.


    28. I see and understand what is being said here,but can I offer a simple suggestion? Just watch the movie,read the book, etc… And take it for what it is… A movie or a book.
      Of course there are hidden agendas,propaganda, religious references, and a slew of other elements we can all pick out of everything from Hollywood. This is the world we live in.There has to be a point where we stop and say,” Its just a movie written by a very creative person.” No need to pick it apart and ruin it by doing so. Christians are trained to look at everything in such a manner that I believe we miss out on simply enjoying life. Relax. Its just a movie.


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