Fall into Reading and a Game of Tag

Another anomalous Saturday post, this one because I never blogged on Thursday. I intended to. But the fact was, I was in a writing groove. Then after dinner, I never got back to the computer. So here we are today instead. I’m rolling two posts into one as the title suggests.

First, on September 22, the official day Fall began, Katrina over at Callapidder Days launched Fall into Reading 2008. I love this emphasis on reading and am eager to participate. There is the possibility of winning a $10 gift certificate and there are weekly book drawings, but those aren’t the reason I participate. Actually, I just like being involved in a reading community, though I’m just on the fringe. It’s great to see what others are reading, great to share with others when I post a review, great to read their thoughts on the books they’ve tackled.

So here are the books I hope to read between now and December 21 when Fall into Reading officially ends:

  • The Feast of Saint Bertie by Kathleen Popa (David C. Cook)
  • Beyond the Reflection’s Edge, by Bryan Davis (Zondervan)
  • Something Wicked by Alan Gratz (Dial Books)
  • Winter Haven by Athol Dickson (Bethany)
  • Fatal Revenant by Stephen R. Donaldson (Putnam)
  • The Famous One by Nicole Petrino-Salter (Pleasant Word)
  • The Lightning File by Eric Write (Hidden Brook Press)
  • Seven Archangels: Annihilation by Jane Lebak (Double-Edge Publishing)
  • Waiting for Daybreak by Kathryn Cushman (Bethany)
  • Already I can tell I’m biting off too much, but I’m going to give these a try.

    Item two: a game of tag, this from Kim over at Window to My World. Here are the rules for those I’m tagging. Check the list after my 6 THINGS to see if you’re it then

    1. Link to the person who tagged you.
    2. Post the rules on your blog.
    3. Write six random things about yourself.
    4. Tag six-ish people at the end of your post.
    5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
    6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

    Random things, I can do! 😉

    1. I’m a rabid Denver Bronco fan.
    2. I was born in Colorado but have lived most of my life in California.
    3. My first writing job was as a stringer covering high school sports and some college. Most of my stories appeared in the Whittier Daily News.
    4. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of someone reading to me—my sister, my dad, a teacher, and others.
    5. When I was three, I went to school with my mom who taught grades 1-8 in a small Christian school in Denver, Colorado.
    6. I first remember making up stories when I played in the sandbox at that school.

    And a random bonus factoid: my dad made up a wonderful story he told us at bedtime. Unfortunately, he never wrote it down. However, I think the idea that real people made up the stories I loved took root way back then.

    So, who to tag?

    Julie Carobini
    Katy Cushman
    Frank Creed
    Kameron M. Franklin
    Beth Goddard
    Timothy Hicks

    Published in: on September 27, 2008 at 11:35 am  Comments (9)  


    1. You are so Funny! Okay. . .give me a while and I’ll respond to this. Im still suffering from Conference lag. LOL


    2. Yay! I made the list! I know, I know. I read the disclaimer. 😉


    3. Thanks for playing, Becky!!



    4. Oh, SUUUURE, pick on a handicapped guy who can’t run fast!




    5. Becky, If you don’t know enough people can you tag the same person six times? 😉



    6. I did the tag-thingy in two spots ‘cuz I was confuzzled.
      A Frank Review and TWCP Authors blog are identical except one has a graphic.


    7. All right. My random things are posted. Did you know that you tagged me for a similar meme last year? :p


    8. Hahaha—good one, Tim. Take a look at the last CSFF tour and take your pick. 😉

      Kameron, Frank, I’m glad you guys are joining Tim. And here I was afraid you guys would think this wasn’t macho enough. 😀

      Beth, just let us know when your post is up. I’m sure we’re all eager to see what you have to say.

      Yes, Nicole, I know I’m late adding yours to the list. I actually have a chance … but as you said, I did have to add the disclaimer.

      BTW, Kameron, no, I didn’t remember I’d tagged you on the similar meme. Did you just copy that post? LOL 🙂



    9. […] Miller @ 4:43 pm Tags: Fall into Reading, Kathryn Cushman, Waiting for Daybreak Back in September I entered into Callapidder Days’ Fall into Reading challenge. I chose nine books that I wanted to read […]


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