You Tell Me Yours, I’ll Tell You Mine

This is a crazy, spur-of-the-moment list, just for fun. Tell me your picks — as many as you like, and I’ll post all mine … some time … somewhere. 😀 How’s that for specific?

Ready? Which is your preference?

    a Mac or PC

    Narnia or Lord of the Rings

    science fiction or fantasy

    classical or country

    books or ereaders

    Facebook or Twitter

    LinkedIn or Pinterest

    YA books or adult

    mystery or suspense

    Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance

    The Voice or American Idol

    Survivor or Amazing Race

    Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum

    Old Testament or New Testament

    Apostle Paul or Apostle Peter

    Elijah or Daniel

    Tom Sawyer or Lord of the Flies

    Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders

    Tim Tebow or Jeremy Linn

    Corrie ten Boom or Elizabeth Elliot

    iPad or Kindle Fire

    grace or mercy

    Christian fiction or general market fiction

    New York Times or Wall Street Journal

    hymns or choruses

I’ll stop at 25. Pick any you’d like to answer and if you want to elaborate and explain your pick, I’d love to hear that, too.

I might put mine in a comment or maybe I’ll answer in another post. Some of these I wish I could turn into a poll because I’d be curious to see what the consensus is. But as it stands, this is just for fun. No insidious ulterior motive on my part. Looking forward to seeing what you think.

Published in: on February 29, 2012 at 5:39 pm  Comments (14)  
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  1. PC
    Narnia AND Lord of the Rings
    books AND ereaders
    NOT LinkedIn or Pinterest
    YA books
    NOT Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance
    NOT The Voice or American Idol
    NOT Survivor or Amazing Race
    NOT Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum
    Old Testament AND New Testament
    Apostle Paul AND Apostle Peter
    Elijah AND Daniel
    Tom Sawyer
    NOT Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders
    Tim Tebow because I don’t know anything about Jeremy Linn yet.
    Corrie ten Boom
    grace AND mercy
    general market fiction
    NOT New York Times or Wall Street Journal

    fun post. 🙂


  2. Ooo, this looks fun! And I needed a break 🙂

    a Mac or PC: Definitely Mac

    Narnia or Lord of the Rings: Lord of the Rings

    science fiction or fantasy: Fantasy

    classical or country: Classic

    books or ereaders: Both

    Facebook or Twitter: Facebook

    LinkedIn or Pinterest: Neither

    YA books or adult: Prefer adult more, but do read YA

    mystery or suspense: Suspense

    Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance: I don’t dance 🙂

    The Voice or American Idol: I don’t sing either 🙂

    Survivor or Amazing Race: Nope, I stay home

    Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum: I haven’t read up on them yet…

    Old Testament or New Testament: Both, but maybe the OT a little more…

    Apostle Paul or Apostle Peter: How about John?

    Elijah or Daniel: Daniel (and not because he shares the same name as my husband!)

    Tom Sawyer or Lord of the Flies: Tom Sawyer

    Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders: Broncos

    Tim Tebow or Jeremy Linn: Tim Tebow

    Corrie ten Boom or Elizabeth Elliot: Both

    iPad or Kindle Fire: iPad

    grace or mercy: I need both!

    Christian fiction or general market fiction:I enjoy both, but I hate running into scenes that I don’t want stuck in my head (photographic memory) so I avoid books that have a lot of violence, sex, or cussing.

    New York Times or Wall Street Journal: Neither

    hymns or choruses: What about Gregorian Chants 🙂


  3. a Mac or PC: PC

    Narnia or Lord of the Rings: Narnia

    science fiction or fantasy: fantasy

    classical or country: classical, but Christian Rock is my favorite

    books or ereaders: books if I’m reading at home, but e-readers are better on the go.

    Facebook or Twitter: facebook

    LinkedIn or Pinterest: Linkedin

    YA books or adult: YA

    mystery or suspense: mystery

    Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance: Neither

    The Voice or American Idol: Neither

    Survivor or Amazing Race: Neither (I don’t watch TV)

    Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum: Ron Paul

    Old Testament or New Testament: New Testament

    Apostle Paul or Apostle Peter: Peter

    Elijah or Daniel: Elijah

    Tom Sawyer or Lord of the Flies: Tom Sawyer

    Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders: Neither

    Tim Tebow or Jeremy Linn: Who?

    Corrie ten Boom or Elizabeth Elliot: Corrie ten Boom

    iPad or Kindle Fire: neither for reading because they are back-lit, I use a regular Kindle for e-reading. iPad is the better tablet imo, but my Galaxy is pretty nice too.

    grace or mercy: grace, but can you have one without the other?

    Christian fiction or general market fiction: general market fiction

    New York Times or Wall Street Journal: Neither

    hymns or choruses: hymns tend to be more theologically sound but I don’t like the archaic language- especially in hymns that weren’t written when that language was modern. Choruses tend to be more upbeat and worshipful, but are more likely to have goofy lyrics that I can’t sing without busting out laughing as I wonder if everyone realizes what they are saying (strings of unrelated trite Christian phrases are the worst- there has to be a coherent theme). SO, my favorites tend to be old hymns with updated language and refitted with worshipful choruses that compliment the hymn well.


  4. Mac or PC – MAC

    Narnia or Lord of the Rings – NARNIA

    science fiction or fantasy – SPECULATIVE FICTION

    classical or country – REALLY?

    books or ereaders – KINDLE

    Facebook or Twitter – TWITFACE

    LinkedIn or Pinterest – PHONE CALL

    YA books or adult – BOOKS

    mystery or suspense – SUSPENSEFUL MYSTERIES

    Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance – SING OFF

    The Voice or American Idol – SING OFF

    Survivor or Amazing Race – AMAZING RACE

    Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum – RON REAGAN

    Old Testament or New Testament – JESUS (WHEREVER HE APPEARS)

    Apostle Paul or Apostle Peter – YES

    Elijah or Daniel – HMMM…

    Tom Sawyer or Lord of the Flies – LOTF (UNFORTUNATELY)

    Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders – BRONCOS

    Tim Tebow or Jeremy Linn – JESUS (HE’S ON BOTH THEIR SIDES)

    Corrie ten Boom or Elizabeth Elliot – THE HIDING PLACE BEYOND GATES OF SPLENDOR

    iPad or Kindle Fire – ASK ME NEXT WEEK AND IT’S IPAD 3


    Christian fiction or general market fiction – GOD HELP ME… GMF

    New York Times or Wall Street Journal – NYTIMES (IT’S STILL FREE)



  5. Ha – I just did the same sort of thing on my blog – only it’s all TV shows! Would have been much easier doing it all in one post instead of 16, but I hope that will make things easier in the end (it’s the start of a bracket). My answers:








    YA books and adult – can’t choose


    don’t watch dancing show (only catch a few minutes of one before Castle!)

    The Voice

    Amazing Race

    Rick Santorum

    Old Testament

    Apostle Paul


    Tom Sawyer or Lord of the Flies – haven’t read either

    Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders – Steelers!

    Tim Tebow

    Corrie ten Boom

    Kindle Fire


    Christian fiction

    New York Times



  6. Laptop, Narnia, fantasy, country, books, Facebook, Pinterest, YA, suspense, neither, neither, neither, neither, New Testament, Peter, Daniel, neither, neither, Tebow, Elliot, Kindle Fire, grace, Christian fiction, neither, choruses 🙂


  7. I’m really enjoying your answers, but you all are such rebels — neither or both. Seriously! 😆 I don’t blame you on some of them. New Testament or Old, for instance, or grace versus mercy. OK, so maybe when it’s my turn I’ll be a rebel too. 😉

    Thanks to each of you for taking the time to participate.



  8. PC

    Lord of the Rings – Hard to choose, though

    fantasy – by a slim margin






    mystery o

    So You Think You Can Dance

    American Idol


    Rick Santorum

    New Testament – if i have to choose, but it’s all His Word.

    Apostle Paul


    Tom Sawyer

    Denver Broncos

    Tim Tebow

    Corrie ten Boom

    Kindle Fire


    Christian fiction

    Wall Street Journal



  9. […] promised, here are my picks from yesterday’s post, “You Tell Me Yours, I’ll Tell You Mine”, marked in boldface font and followed by brief […]


  10. Sorry I’m late, Becky. Here goes:

    a Mac or PC: PC only because that’s what I have

    Narnia or Lord of the Rings: neither

    science fiction or fantasy: sci-fi

    classical or country: Ack: neither. If I had to choose, probably classical

    books or ereaders: books but am having fun with my Kindle

    Facebook or Twitter: neither but I do Facebook

    LinkedIn or Pinterest: neither in spite of being Linked In

    YA books or adult: adult

    mystery or suspense: both

    Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance: neither

    The Voice or American Idol: Absolutely neither

    Survivor or Amazing Race: Absolutely neither

    Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum: Rick Santorum

    Old Testament or New Testament: both but the triumph of the NT

    Apostle Paul or Apostle Peter: both

    Elijah or Daniel: both

    Tom Sawyer or Lord of the Flies: neither

    Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders: Whoa, I could say neither or both

    Tim Tebow or Jeremy Linn: Tim Tebow but respect Jeremy Linn

    Corrie ten Boom or Elizabeth Elliot: both

    iPad or Kindle Fire: yet to try either

    grace or mercy: both

    Christian fiction or general market fiction: Christian Fiction

    New York Times or Wall Street Journal: Wall Street Journal

    hymns or choruses: both


  11. Hey, it’s never too late, Nicole. I’m glad you and Len joined in. I’m having fun reading these and seeing how alike and/or different we all are. 😀



  12. I thought of answering this, but then realised that I don’t know anything about a third of the items offered.


  13. PC
    Dancing with the Stars
    The Voice
    Survivor or Amazing Race – Neither!
    Rick Santorum
    Old Testament or New Testament – All one story
    Apostle Paul
    Tom Sawyer
    Denver Broncos or Oakland Raiders
    Tim Tebow
    Elizabeth Elliot
    Kindle Fire
    general market fiction
    New York Times or Wall Street Journal- Neither


  14. Yea! Another Voice fan.

    Thanks for playing along, Erin. Very fun.



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