Feminism Is Misogynist

feminismI know those who identify as feminist won’t like what I have to say in this post. Let me say upfront, I do not have any one person in mind, and I am not trying to stir up needless controversy.

Rather, I’ve thought for some time that feminism is more harmful to women than is often recognized. Sure, there have also been any number of changes that seem desirable. I’m glad I can vote, for example. I’m glad I worked as a sports reporter. I’m glad I had the opportunity to coach.

Nevertheless, the way feminism has taken shape, I think it is currently doing harm to women.

As a reminder, when I say “feminism” I am using the Oxford American Dictionary definition of the term: “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.” What could possibly be wrong or “reflecting a hatred of women” in such a definition?

I object to the “equality to men,” aspect of feminism that actually blurs the distinction between genders. Generally, then, according to feminist thought, a woman is only properly valuable if she is equal to a man. She has no intrinsic societal, political, or economic worth simply because she is a woman.

Rather, she is valuable if she cracks the glass ceiling, if she plays baseball instead of softball, if she’s the first referee in a professional male sport, if she “gets” to join the combat unit of the military.

In other words, woman are no longer valued if they are “just” stay-at-home moms. Or if they take a “typically female” role in the workforce such as secretary or nurse or primary school teacher. People’s lives are on the line, deals can be made or broken, and the future of the next generation is in the hands of those in these professions, but they are not valued as “equal to men” in the same way that being the CEO of the company is, or running the hospital or becoming a candidate for President.

At the same time, feminists often support women who are part of the “adult film industry,” or, to put it bluntly, engage in sex on camera as part of the porn industry. According to this feminist line of reasoning, women who are marginalized as good for one thing only are exercising their right to choose how they use their own body. They aren’t being exploited and don’t need protection from pimps and abusers.

I think that thinking is hateful. Women who sell their body, through prostitution or pornography, are being used. They are not considered as whole persons. What happens when the wrinkles come? Who cares for them then?

When a woman becomes nothing but a sex object, she is not being valued as a woman. She is being taken advantage of because she’s a woman. A movement that supposedly has the interests of women at heart, should step up and advocate for them. But no. Feminism doesn’t view women as worthy of protection.

Oddly enough, though womanhood is disdained by feminism, the transgender advocates prove that there is something in women that sets us apart, makes us unique. Why else would a man like Bruce Jenner say he’s actually a woman inside? He had to feel as if there was something about women that was different from men.

While the feminists embrace Jenner and feel the transgender issue is in their wheel house, the existence of gender confused people (and that’s not hate speech—it’s a fact: someone who has the body of one gender but the emotional identification with the opposite gender is dealing with confusion) actually shows that the inner workings of men and women, in addition to their physical differences, actually exist. To deny that women are inherently valuable because we are women, because we think like women and relate like women and love like women and work like women and argue like women and care like women, to suggest that we are only valuable when we can do life the same way men do, is a form of hatred.

It devalues who we are apart from a societal make-over that makes us “equal to men.”

Maybe we should be considered equal to men because we are equal to men in value, though our roles are not the same. Maybe we should be considered equal to men because that’s how God sees us, and He, after all, made us and loves us and died for us. The same way He did for men.

I really don’t think men devalue women, apart from the sex-object thing, as much as feminists do. Feminism seems unhappy that women aren’t men. From where I sit, that seems like a form of hatred, of misogyny.

Published in: on February 28, 2017 at 6:14 pm  Comments (13)  
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  1. I read this along with a book I’m reading titled The High Calling of Motherhood by Chimene Shipley Dupler, CEO of Passion4Moms. I think people have forgotten our uniqueness as a woman. Just saw a post that had a tweet screenshot where the woman accused a man that opens a door for a woman as an aggressive patriarchal person. And this is sad because I taught both my sons to open doors for women out of respect, to pull out their chair for them, out of respect. It’s really sad to see this, but not surprising.

    Liked by 1 person

    • D. M., it is sad! I love it when a boy or young man opens the door for a woman because I know their parents are teaching them exactly what you taught your sons. I know they will fight an uphill battle and I bless them for their courage to stand against the tide of societal opinion.

      But this illustration is another example of the way feminism strips women of any specialness. We are to be equal to men so men can’t show us any special regard. We can get our own doors. We can get our own chairs. Well, yes, we can, and it’s fine to do so, but a man who opens a door for a woman is showing her honor as a woman, and that’s awesome.



  2. Oh, well said, Becky! Great minds must think a like, because I too have a post on feminism running in the morning.

    God thinks women are amazing, wonderfully and fearfully made, having such worth and value he gave His very life for us. Why then would we not celebrate every aspect of womanhood? Sadly feminists often seek to erase that, to push us towards an ideal of equality that really only serves to make us lesser versions of ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sadly feminists often seek to erase that, to push us towards an ideal of equality that really only serves to make us lesser versions of ourselves.

      Exactly, IB!

      I’m looking forward to reading your post.



  3. There is only one person I desire to be equal to: Jesus!
    Only the grace of the cross allows the Father to see us in that light.
    Jesus broke the only glass ceiling that really matters.
    Well done, Becky, as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very well said. J.


  5. […] I really don’t think men devalue women, apart from the sex-object thing, as much as feminists do. Feminism seems unhappy that women aren’t men. From where I sit, that seems like a form of hatred, of misogyny. (Rebecca LuElla Miller) […]


  6. Nicely put, Becky. Not to mention that we have truly different hormones coursing through our bodies that make us think and act differently than men.
    I have said over the years, “I am not a Feminist” and many women have misunderstood me, thinking I didn’t want equality. No, it wasn’t that. I don’t want to have to imitate men, or try to get jobs men commonly get, just to prove I’m equal.
    The competition between men and women is not what God wants. He wanted us to be a team, to help each other. That’s why our attributes and roles in life complement one another.
    So many female pop idols are crass and homely, unfeminine, in-your-face with toughness. They imitate the worst of men, making themselves foolish as sex objects. It’s the original sin of Lucifer to shake his fist at heaven, and then to fall from it, saying “I don’t want the role God made me for, I want to be someone else, with complete power over my world.”
    Sometimes I wonder how Lot felt. . .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great observations, Rosanne! Thanks for adding so much to the discussion.

      I learned when I was quite young that the conflict between men and women was part of the curse of the fall. One Bible teacher pointed out that the unity God intended was broken in two particular ways: one, we hid–first from God, but also from each other. Second, we accused–it was the fault of the “woman you gave me.” So, God’s fault, woman’s fault.

      So when we are reconciled with God through Jesus Christ, we also have the ministry of reconciliation with others, which includes, I believe, reconciliation of the man/woman conflict.

      There simply is no need if we both understand and accept our roles and believe that we are equal in God’s eyes.


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  7. (1) I have always maintained that there are two types of feminism, natural law feminism (e.g. Mary Wollstonecraft, Christina Sommers) and a more left-wing school which has gained popularity in the universities (e.g. J.S. Mill, Gloria Steinem).

    (2) The modern difference between sex and gender is the epitome of postmodern skepticism.


    • I hadn’t thought of two kind of feminism, Karl. Interesting idea. I can see how it could be. I mean, as I said in the opening, I’ve benefited in a number of positive ways from the efforts to open doors for women that had previously been closed.

      The problem is how far the liberals take this idea. And maybe it’s a different set of leaders, but they seem to be in charge of the agenda today.

      I’ll also have to give some thought to your number two. There seems to be so many disconnects in our society today. For instance, between women dressing in sensual ways and in the emergence of a “rape culture.” Or the normalization of pornography and the increase in sex trafficking. We seem unwilling to address causation in a logical way.

      The one that mystifies me most is the atheist who does not believe in God because there’s no scientific evidence for him but has no problem believing in the woman in a man’s body though there is nothing but physical evidence to the contrary. It’s such a disconnect!

      Postmodern. Yea, verily.


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  8. […] via Feminism Is Misogynist — A Christian Worldview of Fiction […]


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