The Lesson Of Christmas – Love Shares


This video performed by Kristyn Getty says it all. Enjoy.

Published in: on December 18, 2015 at 6:21 pm  Comments (21)  
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  1. Oh how nice! I had never heard her until the other day…wow is all I can say. I didn’t know a violin could do all that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love her music, I love this song, but what she says at the end, I love even more!



      • Figures something good happened at the end. I got almost 3/4 of the way through and my stupid internet started lagging so bad it quit playing. Welcome to life in the country LOL.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Well, I still love it, but I did a little more research, and I discovered that I can’t endorse everything in the video as I thought I could. She points to a second video which I hadn’t watched when I published. Now I have. It’s very moving until the end when it says to go to a Mormon site.

          I thought about taking this post down. Should have done my homework better.



          • Ah..funny you said that. I was just looking her up to see who she was…and saw some Mormon stuff on her bio….and was about to let you know. She’s still very talented, but..nope we don’t want to be sending folks to an LDS site!

            Liked by 1 person

          • So sad, isn’t it? She says all the right things at the end of the video. But the words don’t have the same meaning as what the Bible says. No triune God in their thinking, for instance. It was a real disappointment, and makes me so sad for her.



          • It is sad. And even sadder that so many will be running around talking about what a good Christian girl she is..and that is simply not true. It’s very hard to witness to an LDS person, as they are convinced they are just as Christian as anyone. What makes it worse is that, if a person denies the Christianity of a Mormon, they are considered a raving bigot.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Yep, there’s been a concerted effort to convince people Mormons are just another Christian denomination, but that’s not true. There are fundamental differences which are so hard to show because of their use of the same words but with different meanings. For instance, they call Jesus the son of god, but they don’t mean what we mean at all. I had a discussion some years ago on this site with a Mormon young man. The only difference he finally conceded to was our treatment of the Bible. To me, that was huge because pretty much everything hinges on what God has revealed to us in His written world.



          • Yeah its rather like the JVs. They spend a lot of effort trying to convince the world they are Christian. And many are fooled. The Jehovah’s witnesses are really big where I come from and quite an influence.


          • Unfortunately it seems many evangelicals have stopped standing against cults, particularly those who are “normalized.” But I’ve had to remind myself, they are no more lost than the atheist or the person adhering to some other false religion. They are trying to be wolves in sheep’s clothing, though, so they might deceive even the elect if that were possible. Not going to happen. God will protect His own.



          • Amen Becky. Thanks for a comforting reminder.


        • OK, I switched the video. I loved Lindsey’s but I didn’t want to endorse the site it pointed to.



  2. Becky, do you have a link for the bio that says she’s a Mormon? I never heard that before about them and I couldn’t find anything that hinted at that. Thanks!


    • Gene, the original video I put up and a second video embedded at the end. It really was very moving, but at the end it linked to a Mormon site. It was one of the other commenters who did the research and found some info that linked her more directly to the LDS. I haven’t followed up to dig any deeper.



      • Becky, it’s not hard to find really. She even has a video about it. I can put this link here..feel free to delete if you want.


        • No point in deleting, Wally, if it’s easy to find. Thanks for answering the question.


          Liked by 1 person

      • Ok, I see. I found it hard to believe is all. Not that the link wasn’t real, but that such wonderfully Cross-centered lyrics from the Gettys could be anything remotely close to LDS theology (at least from the many songs I’ve heard from the Gettys).


        • Ah, Gene, now I understand. You’re right about the Getty’s. They are very Christ centered and absolutely Biblical. The first video was a different artist, a performance violinist who played “Hallelujah.” In the video she was playing in a train station for free. It was really moving, as was her message at the end. But that video embedded into the music one was what alerted me to her connection with the Mormons. I just didn’t feel good having that up on my site so I switched it for the Getty one, which I do love.



          • Whew! I missed that completely, lol! That’s a relief. Thanks for the clarification. Also, have a merry Christmas, you and all your followers!

            Liked by 1 person

          • Thanks, Gene. A Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.



  3. You are most welcome! You know, I lived in Utah for a while, way back before I was saved, when I was still quite heathen. Had lots of dealing with the Mormons. Some good Mormon friends to this day. It’s tough and requires love to deal with, and success is low. It’s sort of personal to me in some ways. An old, old friend from High School is Mormon. It’s sad to me.


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